[Rescheduled] CommzGate API SSL Cert Update for end-point https://vip.commzgate.net port 443

Friday, 3 March 5 minutes

We have re-scheduled this activity to Monday, 6 March 2023 14:00 (GMT+8) to allow some customers more time to make the necessary changes.

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This is a re-scheduled event as some customers were not ready for the last scheduled update.

Please be informed that we will be updating the SSL certificate for our API end-point at https://vip.commzgate.net:443

Impact: If you are using our API end-point at https://vip.commzgate.net:443, you can pre-test the SSL handshake with the new cert prior to the actual cert update using the URL and port as follows: https://vip.commzgate.net:89

You are not affected if you have been assigned a custom port number and will be notified separately.

The new client and intermediate SSL certs can be downloaded from here: https://commzgate-sg1.s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/vip.commzgate.net-2023.zip

Please import the new certs into your SSL keystore if necessary.

Please contact us at supportdesk@commzgate.com if you require special assistance.

Rgds, CommzGate Support

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Affected components
  • CommzGate API
    • Messaging API reserved end-point